Hello, I'm Karen Brown.

When I was in high school, I hated fitness. While I didn’t like to exercise, I knew I loved moving to music and then I took a few dance classes. And through dance I became strong and fit and this ignited my passion for combining music with fitness. It’s 45 years later and I’ve been a fitness trainer and instructor ever since.

My Story

 I am a certified health coach and fitness trainer and have been teaching  classes for 45 years.  I use my love of choreographing fitness routines and my knowledge of anatomy and physiology to show people how to get stronger and feel better. 


My strongest belief is that if it’s doable and fun, you do not have to depend on willpower. For the last five years, I’ve been teaching a fitness program for seniors and because I’m a senior myself, its given me so much insight into creating these fun workouts. My motto is… if it’s fun, you’ll get it done!

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